First of all we want to say thank you to all contributors of Atom code editor as well as all package developers for this awesome software development tool. This people developed and keep extending great code editor with highly customizable interface and huge amount of packages. Thanks to all of you for hard work!
When you work on your "next big thing" mobile, desktop or web application, at some point, you will need help from the outside, other developers will come in and will start to code in their style with their editor configuration. That's the time when the codebase will get really messy. And messy code leads to more bugs, makes code less readable, makes it harder to implement new features and fix bugs. Different indentations, spaces vs. tabs, /* Comments /
vs // Comments
, /* Documentation */
vs /// Documentation
, add line breaks to the end file or not, how to unwrap closures, name variables/functions/methods/procedures, loop through arrays and many many other problems will arise. Sharing common editor configuration solves part of this problems by making your code look like one person wrote it with following strict conventions.
Ruby on Rails
First of all we use it for Ruby On Rails which is supported by default out of the box. As HTML templates language for RoR projects we use Slim, support of Slim DSL (domain specific language) comes with package ruby-slim.
Our choice for testing Ruby on Rails apps is RSpec, handy RSpec support comes with package ruby-test.
React.js with ES6
This works out of the box.
Sometimes it's easier to open single Swift source code file with Atom. For Swift language support we use package called language-swift.
platformio-ide-terminal - to open bash terminal inside of editor
git-time-machine - for visual interaction with git commit history, cool for watching diffs
language-swift - for Swift language support
ruby-slim - for Slim templates support in Ruby on Rails projects
ruby-test - for testing Ruby on Rails applications, includes ability to run TestUnit, Rspec and Cucumber tests
ignoredNames: [
telemetryConsent: "limited"
fontSize: 17
showInvisibles: true
tabType: "soft"
core: {}
defaultPanelHeight: "400px"
rspecAllCommand: "rspec --tty spec -f doc --color"
diffWords: true
ignoreWhitespace: true
leftEditorColor: "red"
rightEditorColor: "green"
syncHorizontalScroll: true
hideIgnoredNames: true
showOnStartup: false
ignoreWhitespaceOnCurrentLine: false
ignoreWhitespaceOnlyLines: true
'cmd-i': 'window:toggle-invisibles'
'cmd-`': 'platformio-ide-terminal:toggle'
'cmd-shift-E': 'ruby-test:toggle'
'cmd-shift-R': 'ruby-test:test-all'